Note: Questions are to be answered and submit to Email subject box should indicate, Organization’s name followed by the words “Grant Pre-Application.” Example: Early Wisdom Foundation Grant Pre-Application.
Section 1 – Organization Details
1. Organization name (Please give legal name)
2. Address (number, street, city-state, country)
3. Website address
4. Tax ID, EIN number
5. Organization mailing address (Street, City; State; Country; Zip)
6. State the mission of your organization (1-2 sentences)
7. What is your organization’s budget range annually. Please select your answer based on total annual organizational expenses in your most current board-approved budget
Section 2 – Contact Information
Please provide contact information for the person who is the primary contact for this request. This is the person who will receive all correspondence regarding this grant application, including important notifications about the next steps in the grant proposal process.
1. Salutation
2. First Name
3. Last Name
4. Please state the title that best describes your role. (Example: Executive Director/CEO, Development Manager…)
5. Email
6. Web Page/ Social Media Page (Optional)
7. Phone
Section 3 – Requested Details
1. What amount of money are you requesting?
Select the choice that best describes the primary purpose of your grant request.
a. Operating support
b. Program support
c. Capital support or
d. One-time project/campaign
e. Other (please identify type of purpose)
1b. Name of project, campaign, or program. Note: If you select 2b, 2d or 2e, above, you will be asked to provide a title for your program/project/campaign/other.
2. Describes the primary geographic regional area that would benefit from your grant request.
3. Summarize the purpose of your grant request, including a statement of the impact created by a prospective grant. (Suggested length: Around 250 words)
4. Optional – You may upload one link that helps us better know your organization, such as a link to a video, an annual report, or a one-page summary.
Please note: This is truly optional. Please DO NOT create anything new for us. Your application will be given the same consideration even if you elect to leave this blank.
5. What are your organization’s project or program areas? (Ex: Education; Arts; Culture & Humanities; Human Services; Health & Healthcare; Civic Assets & Public Affairs; Other)
5b. What services do you offer
Note: Please note funds will be given directly to institutions on behalf of the student
All questions and information requested are to be typed, scanned and emailed to Email subject box should indicate students full name and the word scholarship application. (Example: "Jenny Jones Scholarship application")
Required Fields are indicated by an asterisk (*)
Eligibility: Student must meet these criteria to be eligible. Please initial
1. I confirm that I am living in abject poverty
2. I confirm myself and my parents/guardians are unable to fund my education
3. If chosen for a scholarship, I will submit grades and receipts of school payments
4. I confirm that that I will answered the questions truthfully
5. I confirm I will provide a typed essay.
Section 1 – Contact Information
Student contact information
1. *Full name (legal full name)
2. *Date of birth (day, month, year)
3. *Address: (number, street, city, state)
4. *Country of residency
5. *Primary number
6. *Secondary number
7. *Email
8. *Social Media Address (FB, Instagram, twitter,…)
Parents/guardian contact information (if under 18 years of age)
1. *Parents/guardian full legal name: (first, middle, last)
2. *Address
3. *Phone number
4. *Email
5. *Education (highest level completed)
6. *Occupation
7. *Employer (company name)
Section 2 – School Details
*What school do you currently attend? (Full School Name)
* What grade are you currently in?
*School Address: City, State, Country, Zip code
*Graduation date:
*Cumulative GPA
*Class Rank_______ of _______
Section 3 – Requested Information
*Will you be enrolled as a part-time (6 credits) or full time (12+ credits) student at your current institution?
*What are your work plans or activities during the academic year? (e.g...part-time work, volunteer etc.)
*Student must type a 1-page essay giving insight about circumstance; background; personal goals; career goals; and strategies for achieving goals.
Section 4 – Requested School Information
*Please scan transcript with GPA
*Letter of recommendation written by students current teacher and signed by principle. Aswell as proof of current enrollment application.
• Teachers Name (full legal name)
• Principles Name (full legal name)
• School phone number
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